Peddler’s Village is located in Lahaska, PA with over 20 acres of 60+ shops, walkways, and parking areas.

Audio System
Peddler’s audio system has eight speaker zones comprised of over 120 speakers. The amplification for the system is rated for 9,400 Watts.

QSC amplification was used for the project QSC is a rock solid commercial product QSC products are used in several large commercial projects throughout the United States and Europe QSC Speakers are used in New Jersey on the boardwalks in Ocean City and Wildwood.

The brains of the system is a Control4 system with a sixteen zone sixteen source audio matrix.

The systems power conditioning has three dedicated 20A Furman surge protectors.

We have automated announcements throughout the village set up on time and date intervals.

The system has Shure Brothers wireless microphones with two microphone access, one at the main equipment and one in the main square.

Installation was challenging to say the least. Peddler’s Village is a year round active shopping area They have several events that needed to be worked around during the installation. The installation schedule was set on a eight week time frame. The village has roads and several walkways through the property. There is even a stream with a water wheel. There are landscape speakers running up the stream. The majority of the speakers are surface mounted on each individual structure. All of the equipment and wiring originates from one place in the Cock and Bull.